Tuckerman Ravine & Sherburne Ski Trail 12/21/24
Dec 21, 2024
The gang decided to head up into the bowl to poke around and see if some good turns could be found. We skinned up the Sherb and were met with 1" or so of fresh snow. The winds were calm in the notch however they picked up past Hermit Lake, blowing at 20 with gusts up to 35mph. Visibility was good in the bowl and I could see some blue sky trying to poke through in most places.
There is still an icy bed surface below the new snow that has accumulated this week resulting in many pockets of sensitive snow. The left side of the bowl (Chute & Left) have variable surfaces ranging from wind scoured crust to pillows of freshly formed slabs. We opted to skin through the brush between Right and Lobster Claw, making our way to the base of Right before father time turned us around. Lobster Claw seems to be filling in but is still a bit tight and shwacky.
It was quite chilly up there this morning (0 degrees @ 4000' as i type) and with the winds plus some spindrift we had to bundle up at the floor of the ravine. Check your buddies for frostbite today and limit exposed skin, one member of our party had a bit setting in as the morning went on. Would have been a perfect day for a FaceGlove
The skiing on the Sherb was nice due to the fresh snow but there are still hazards to be found out there, mostly in the bottom half of the run. With the traffic expected today I imagine there will be some firm patches and exposed rocks. Water bars were mostly frozen over but not fully filled in.
- Greg
Approaching the Ravine with some clouds lingering overhead
The current status of Tuckerman Ravine
Approaching Right about midway up Lunch Rocks
The Sherb is still hanging in there - photo from a lower pitch