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Damnation -> Summit -> Lobster Claw 2/20/25

Damnation -> Summit -> Lobster Claw 2/20/25

Thursday morning provided a perfect sunny time to go up into Huntington Ravine. Moving solo, my photos and documentation were not the best. Heading up into the ravine I was greeted by the sun. I picked Damnation Gully (WI3 Steep Snow, 1000ft) as the perfect romp. Booting up the long snow approach the sun was hitting about half way up the line. I moved across the first ice step and onto the crux ice step. A short section of WI3 brought me to enjoyable low angle ice and easy snow climbing to the summit. Hooting and hollering to the summit, I changed over and headed down the snowfields and over to a lovely Lobster Claw. Sadly, I dropped in too far skiers right and have to downclimb a short section of alpine brush as I choked myself. Down little headwall and back to the shop!

Alpine Glow!

The start of Damnation Gully. 

Just a touch of the Summit Sign. 

The incorrect drop in to Lobster Claw.

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