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Alpine Crawling in Huntington Ravine - 3/14/25

Alpine Crawling in Huntington Ravine - 3/14/25

A perfect morning to head over to Huntington to do some "alpine crawling" as Andrew calls it. Caleb and Jimmy joined me for the tour. We quickly go into Huntington to watch the sunrise. I headed up Pinnacle Gully (WI3 500ft) and Caleb began the boot up Central. Jimmy captured some amazing photos of a fat and plastic Pinnacle. Sadly, we got to the top too early and the snow had not softened as much as we hope. A very chattery run down Central deposited us in the Fan. Lower Fan skied great and a quick rip out to the Sherb brought us back to the car. 

Alpine Crawling. Photo: Jimmy Rips

Caleb booting up Central

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