Big Days on a Monday 1/27/25
Jan 27, 2025
With high hopes, Adam Bidwell and I started skiing into Huntington Ravine. With the winds not as high as forecasted, we began booting up Diagonal. In disbelief, we enojoyed POW turns in Diagonal. We did set off a small point release but no other red flags were encountered. We put on some sharps and climbed up through Yale Gully (1000ft WI2-3). Enjoying easy snow climbing and short WI2 bulges to the top. We crossed the Alpine Garden over to the bowl. Bidwell taking full advantage of conditions and dropped The Lip. I skied over to Right Gully and had a blast on some easier terrain. At the base of the bowl we couldn't contain our excitement. We made the long slog up Lip. We my nerves firing a little too much, I backed off Lip only to watch Adam score the turns of his season. I ran over to Right Gully and did another lap. With tired legs barking, we started up Left Gully. Jut below the top out, I skied down on textured snow surface that was just fine. Adam, dropped Chute from the top. A beautiful day out traversing Mt. Washington.
Top of Diagonal.
POW turns!!!Â
Climbing up Yale Gully.
The booter of death.
Adam with the TURNS!!!!
Now that’s a good day!
Solid day out. Love that you all take time to write this blog!