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hojo's with hillman's highway in background

Hermit Lake / Sherb 12/9/24

hermit lake avalanche board
The Hermit Lake Parking Lot.

Guest blog from JP Krol who is covering for us while we're down at a trade show. Thanks JP!

Sherb was in very good shape for the early season. I felt like there were almost no tricky rocks until 150' feet from the parking lot. Refresh definitely seems to have helped. No fully iced moguls, just a few lightly scraped over moguls that weren't even too tough for a bad skier like me to negotiate.

JP wisely getting in some turns before the rain.

TRT looking like a highway.

HoJo's with Hillman's in the background.

Second to last pitch on the Sherb

1 comment

  • Region famous blogger back at it! You love to see it!


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