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Ice Ice Beta - Chia and Pegasus - 2/8/25

Ice Ice Beta - Chia and Pegasus - 2/8/25

We eyes on some future snow storms.... Caleb and I headed into Frankenstein to scratch the ice itch. Chia (WI3+ 100ft) is climbing very well. The standard WI3+ finish is and a a fat pillar with a WI4+ and WI4 finish is in and exciting to finish up on. After sunrise, we zipped over to Pegasus (WI3-4 200ft) and linked it all in one pitch and enjoyed some nice stemming up the final pillar. (Still made it to work for an 8am open!) 

Alpine start on Chia. 

The top out. 

A slightly wet/ snowy but very fun Pegasus. 

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