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Diagonal Gully December 2024

Right Gully / Snowfields / Diagonal Gully

First a big thanks to Spencer for providing beautiful photos this weekend. 

Today was one of those mornings where I was ready to fold them at Hermit Lake. The south winds were annoying, visibility was poor, and the skiing wasn't going to be remarkable. On the flip side, I had a full pack and a few hours to get out so why not put in some work to help with fitness later in the winter. 

Right Gully: It's as bad as advertised - I read a few reports over the weekend and it's firm without many soft pockets in there. I used it as my route up and veered off to looker's right up to the Lion Head trail. It was pretty easy going and was looking forward to getting up to the snowfields.

Eastern Snowfields: Visibility was so poor that I missed the eastern snowfields and ended up on the not-so-eastern-snowfields which stopped short of the auto road leaving  ~300' of rocks to climb. After summiting and making my way down to the proper start of the snowfields, I was able to enjoy ~400' of skiing before I had to start traversing back towards right gully. Coverage was fine, conditions were poor (highly variable with crust and thin and grabby windslab).

Huntington: With time to kill, and just a .75mi walk to the top of Diagonal Gully, it made sense to go for a walk. Fortunately, the clouds lifted and the snow was pretty good given the recent rain. Conditions were soft down the gut and firm on the sides. There was minimal sluffing and skied top to bottom but with the variable snowpack, it was a slower than usual descent (I've had many days with worse conditions!). The exit out of Huntington was pretty heinous. 

Another scuzzy day. Awesome.

Right Gully, not recommeneded. Only used as a route up to the Snowfields.

The Not-So-Eastern snowfields. As you can see, it's punch-slab or crust.

The entrance to Central Gully. 

Then the clouds magically lifted 3/4 down Diagonal Gully.

Looking back up Diagonal Gully.

Bonus shot of Hillman's Highway.


1 comment

  • Another epic report an sounds like killer day well earned


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