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Poke Into Hillmans 1/11/25 Poke Into Hillmans 1/11/25

Poke Into Hillmans 1/11/25

Heading into Pinkham around 06:00 we were greeted with some unexpected flurries. Starting in the dark we made our way up to Hillmans under a cloudy and snowy sky. The fallen tree across the top of the Sherb has been cut and removed from the trail making access much easier. Transitioning, we put our skis on our packs in the runout of Hillmans and booted up. There is still a 50 ft section of trail that cannot be traversed on skis.

We turned around about 1/4 of the way up and began skiing. There was abount an inch of fresh snow at the time of skiing ~07:45. There was no wind and snow was falling quite peacefully. It was quite firm below but edgeble. The Sherbs cover has improved slightly but many rocks still present as hazards. The new snow has only buried them from sight. Large sections of ice still cover the lower section and they are harder to spot with the new snow. 

- Gabe Weinrieb 

Skinning up.

Looking up into Hillmans.





Booting up.




View from where we transitioned.










1 comment

  • Best ski report ever! Keep them coming. xoxo


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