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Christmas Tree Lap 2/16/25

Christmas Tree Lap 2/16/25

As we started skinning, we were surprised with the lack of snow coming down. Reaching Hermit Lake Shelter, we scouted some lines on Boot Spurr. The visibility was pretty good and we made our way into Hillman's. Spencer made us skin for as long as possible before putting our skis on our back. The snow was minimally affected by the wind and did not start substantially blowing until we transitioned. We climbed up and above the Christmas Tree, about 2/3 of the line. 

Dropping in, the skiing was pretty sweet. It was ankle depth snow over a firm layer. It had variable depth but great to be skiing up high in the storm. The Sherb skied fantastically but will get even better as more snow comes down. 

-Gabe Weinrieb

Skinning up into Hillman's.

Brent shredding pow.

Spencer ripping it up.

Greg carving it up.

1 comment

  • Are you sure that wasn’t a Hanukkah bush? Glad you made it down safely 💕 mom


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