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John Sherburne Trail 12 December 2024

Winter 2.0 12/12/24

Expect the worst, hope for the best. The good news: it was cold and snowing up in Tuckerman Ravine this morning. I didn't have to do any portages on the Sherburne Trail. I was able to make turns in Chicken Rock Gully. The bad? All the water bars on the Sherburne Trail blew out, we now have a monster crust layer, and now have to wait a little for the conditions to reset. New snow was bonding quite well to the crust layer which is encouraging, turns can be had and it's just going to be day to day as things heal in the backcountry. Some photos below to help give an overall idea of what's going on up there.

Last Pitch of the Sherb. At least it was cold rain.

Crossover #7

Floor of the Ravine.

Open Book blowout.

Chicken Rock gully had some good turns.

1 comment

  • Thsnk yiu for the update Andrew, was wondering how the Mountain heild up..
    Things could def be worse as All the Snow could be gone..
    Things will get ugly with the cold temps and the long sliding fall hazard.


    Mark Toronto

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